
​Tom Hittle - Chair
RepresentsThe interests of a forest products company that owns and manages large tracts of private forest land that supply raw materials to the forest products industry
Steigerwaldt Land Services - Retired​
Tom Hittle Biography​​

Matt Dallman - Vice Chair
RepresentsThe interests of nonprofit conservation organizations whose purposes include the conservation and use of forest resources
The Nature Conservancy
Matt Dallman Biography​​
​Heather Berklund​
RepresentsChief State Forester
Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry​
Heather Berklund Biography​

Brad Dorff
RepresentsLabor unions
United Steel Workers Union​
Brad Dorff Biography

James Hoppe
RepresentsThe interests of the paper and pulp industry
Packaging Corporation of America
James Hoppe Biography

Buddy Huffaker
Represents: The interests of owners of non-industrial, private forest land who manage the land to produce ecological, economic, and social benefits
Aldo Leopold Foundation
Buddy Huffaker Biography

James Kerkman
Represents: The interests of persons who are members of the Society of American Foresters
Society of American Foresters​​
James Kerkman Biography​​

Rebekah Luedtke​
Represents: The interests of counties that have county forests within their boundaries
WI County Forests Association
Rebekah Luedtke Biography

Representative Jeffrey Mursau
Represents: Wisconsin State Assembly
Assembly District 36
Representative Jeffrey Mursau Biography

Representative Lori Palmeri
RepresentsWisconsin State Assembly
Assembly District 54​
Representative Lori Palmeri Biography

Sitka Pence - Interim Representative
RepresentsThe USDA, Forest Service (non-voting member)
Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest​​

Senator Romaine Quinn
RepresentsWisconsin State Senate
Senate District 25​​
Senator Romaine Quinn Biography

Erik Rantala
Represents: The interests of the lumber industry
Kretz Lumber​
Erik Rantala Biography

​Juris Repsa​
RepresentsForestry consultants​​
Juris Repsa Biography

Dr. Adena Rissman
RepresentsThe interests of schools of forestry within the state that have curricula in the management of forest resources that are accredited by the Society of American Forester​s
UW- Madison​
Dr. Adena Rissman Biography

Henry Schienebeck
Represents: The interests of persons who are members of an organization of timber producers
Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association​
Henry Schienebeck Biography

Jordan Skiff
Represents: The interests of persons who are engaged in the practice of urban and community forestry
City of Sheboygan​
Jordan Skiff Biography​

Dr. William Van Lopik
RepresentsThe interests of persons who engage in the practice of conservation education
ESTHER-Fox Valley & College of Menominee Nation
Dr. William Van Lopik Biography

Senator Jamie Wall
RepresentsWisconsin State Senate
Senate District 30
Senator Jamie Wall Biography


Pending Memberships:

  • Representation for the interests of persons who are engaged in an industry that uses secondary wood