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Additional Resources
Wisconsin Forest Practices Study (WFPS): 2016 Study
Wisconsin Forest Practices Study
2013 Forest Practices Study Plan
2016 Forest Practices Study
2016 WFPS Subcommittee
2020 Forest Practices Study
WFPS Accomplishments
Wisconsin Wood Supply Assessment
Abstract -
Wisconsin Wood Supply Assessment
Report -
Wisconsin Wood Supply Assessment
Summary -
Wisconsin Wood Supply Assessment
Wisconsin Wood Supply Assessment – Landowner Study
Wisconsin Wood Supply Assessment – Logger Utilization in Wisconsin
Presentations -
Wisconsin Wood Supply Assessment
Wisconsin Wood Supply Assessment – Landowner Study
Wisconsin Wood Supply Assessment – Logger Utilization in Wisconsin
Forest Practices & Harvesting Restrictions on Wisconsin's Resources and Economy
Abstract -
Economic and Ecological Effects of Forest Practices and Harvesting Restrictions on Wisconsin's Forest Resources and Economy
Report -
Economic and Ecological Effects of Forest Practices and Harvesting Constraints on Wisconsin's Forest Resources and Economy
Summary -
Economic and Ecological Effects of Forest Practices and Harvesting Constraints on Wisconsin's Forest Resources and Economy
Presentation -
Economic and Ecological Effects of Forest Practices and Harvesting Constraints on Wisconsin's Forest Resources and Economy
Scale and Cost of Seasonal Timber Harvesting Restrictions
Abstract -
The Scale and Cost of Seasonal Timber Harvesting Restrictions in Wisconsin
Report -
The Scale and Cost of Seasonal Timber Harvesting Restrictions in Wisconsin
Summary -
The Scale and Cost of Seasonal Timber Harvesting Restrictions in Wisconsin
Presentation -
The Scale and Cost of Seasonal Timber Harvesting Restrictions in Wisconsin
Northern Hardwood Single-Tree Selection
Abstract -
An Analysis of: Single Tree Selection Order-of-Removal Procedures in Northern Hardwood Forests and Rotation Lengths in Red Pine and Aspen Forests
Report -
An Economic and Ecological Analysis of: Northern Hardwood Single-Tree Selection Order of Removal Procedures and Evaluation of Red Pine Plantation and Aspen Forest Type Ages
Summary -
An Economic and Ecological Analysis of: Northern Hardwood Single-Tree Selection Order of Removal Procedures and Evaluation of Red Pine Plantation and Aspen Forest Type Ages
Presentation -
An Economic and Ecological Analysis of: Northern Hardwood Single-Tree Selection Order of Removal Procedures and Evaluation of Red Pine Plantation and Aspen Forest Type Ages
Wood Supply Chain Cost Component Analysis
Abstract -
Wood Supply Chain Component Cost Analysis; A Comparison of WI and U.S. Regional Cost
Report -
Wood Supply Chain Cost Component Analysis; A Comparison of WI and U.S. Regional Cost
Update: Wood Supply Chain Cost Component Analysis; A Comparison of WI and U.S. Regional Cost
Summary -
Wood Supply Chain Cost Component Analysis; A Comparison of WI and U.S. Regional Cost
Presentation -
Wood Supply Chain Cost Component Analysis; A Comparison of WI and U.S. Regional Cost
* All presentations were shown at the March 29, 2016 Wisconsin Council on Forestry Meeting.
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